Working on the Azure Cloud Environment gives you secure access to your data anytime, anywhere.
Have the flexibility and convenience of working across multiple devices.
Works with browsers such as Internet Explorer and Google Chrome.
Add contracts, emails, certificates or any type of supporting document.
Eliminates the need to open additional word processors allowing the information to reside in one secure, organized space.
Keep your colleagues up-to-date by instantly documenting important information letting them know of the case’s latest status.
Create user teams in which you can assign cases evenly, randomly, or by availability.
Pass the ownership of a case by referring it to another user or delegate a case, if you wish to continue with the ownership but need another user’s input.
Choose roles between Data Entry, Agent, Monitor, and Administrator.
Audit and monitor the process by generating reports in PDF for Cases Created, Created & Completed, Closed Cases, and others.
Access each case’s history and verify dates it was worked on, who has worked on the case, and their input.
Receive real-time alerts in the dashboard screen and through your email account to ensure cases aren’t overseen or past their due dates.
Allows you to create customized fields to capture particular information related to the case or record such as amounts, dates, lists of items, among others.
You’re looking at Followit reports and want to investigate further by looking into specific cases. You may do so by clicking on the case links that will take you directly to the case without having to go back and forth through searches.
Apart from setting a date for when the case must be resolved, you can also set a due date for when you need the input you asked for from your coworker. If it expires, and the case wasn’t accepted, it will return to the original owner.
Sometimes information can be a sensitive matter. Secure Areas will let you set permissions that allow certain users to have access to these areas. For example, Human Resources departments who work with Social Security numbers, memos, and payroll can use this feature to restrict other users from accessing sensitive information.
Have the customer on the phone and need to find their case right away? By providing a global search option, you can quickly find a case without having to make customers wait.
Show your staff where the bottlenecks occur and identify areas of improvement. It’s easy to present, share or compare reports by exporting and printing with a click of a button, allowing you to make better decisions about processes in your company.
No more worries! If you really want to be in the know, Followit gives you the option to follow a case. This way you’ll know more than when the case was accepted and when it was finalized. You’ll know when a person added a document, referred, delegated or updated the case.
Leave no space for excuses. Instantly receive email and dashboard notifications of when your sent case has been accepted, finalized, updated, or when you have been assigned a case.
Forgot to add something or has the case resurfaced? If for any reason you have to reopen a case, you can do so. Plus, you can monitor why and how often cases have to be reopened.
Protect your data and documentation by deciding whether categories should be private within the area or public for everyone. Restrict access to avoid data corruption.
With Azure AD easily sync your corporate’s Active Directory, eliminating the need to create separate accounts per user.
If the case wasn’t intended for you or there isn’t sufficient information, you can choose to decline a case and provide a reason why.
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