Quick Guides

Create New Case
Once the business process is configured in Followit, user’s will need to create cases that will use these business processes as guidelines to determine the path to follow. For this reason we have made the option to Create a Case always accessible so that you can create cases from anywhere in the application.
To create a Case:
1. Press the Create Case button on the navigation sidebar menu.
Create Case.png


2. When the new case window appears, select and fill in the information to create the case. You will find that some fields are required and are marked with the asterisk symbol (*). 

New Case Window.png

3. After entering the information, choose either to Refer, Delegate, Resolve, or Cancel the case (Each option has its own guide in this section).

Take Action Window.png

If you need more information about how to fill in the case information or want to know more about the fields, you can take the Case tutorial. To take this tour, press the Create Case button, navigate to the blue information icon on the top right of the case screen and select the Take Tour option. This will open a step by step tour that will help you understand each field and what information to enter or select.

Want to watch the Video Tutorial? Click Here