Quick Guides

Secure Categories (by Area)


A Category can be made secure within a particular Area. When you make a category secure within an Area, all cases that include this Working Area and the secure Category, will only be accessible to users assigned to the Area (users with this area as associated role wont be able to see this cases). For example, if you have an area named “Human Resources”, in which you have a protected Category called “Employee Requests”, all cases assigned to this Area with this category will only be accessible to “Human Resources” users. This feature helps matters stay private from other users.

To secure a Category:

Note: In order to secure a category, you must already have the Category created and assigned to the area. 

  1. Navigate to Administration > Areas.
  2. Select the Area you want to Secure and its editing window will pop up.
  3. Select the Categories link below.
  4. On the assigned Categories located on the right panel of the window, you will see a field with a lock icon on top. Checkmark the category you want to protect using the checkbox on this field.
  5. Click Save.

Now, when you create a case using the Secure Category, only the Users from that Area can see the contents of the case.

Secure Category.png

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